New Bern , NC – June 16, 2022
For upcoming news articles, the format for the news will change. If there are any suggestions on how we may improve our news, please let us know before we make the change. We also look forward to hear your criticism if you don’t like our new format and praise if you like it.
If you wish to offer articles for our web page, we welcome third parties to submit news to us for potential selection for upcoming articles in pdf format. We do not compensate news articles and we reserve the right to not publish any article for any reason. To be considered, news must be informative and related to our industry or equipment. If for any reason it does not meet our editorial standards we will not publish for any reason.
The format will change in the 4th quarter of 2022. Once updated, please tell us what you think of the new format. Any constructive comments can be sent to Vilma Coveli at .
Thank you for your input.