Chemac Inc Announces new Sales Representative in Carribean, South & Central America

July 2013

Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic – Chemac Inc recently announced a new representative for Chemac Inc.’s entire product line for Central and South America. Demand for high pressure equipment is growing and Mr. Ernest Stoecklin will lead efforts to help support customers in these important regions.

Mr. Ernest Stoecklin is the ideal candidate to represent Chemac Inc. He has over 40 years of experience in management sales and service, he speaks seven languages (Spanish, German, English, Portuguese, Italian, French and Latin), he travels extensively throughout the region, and is located/headquartered in the Dominican Republic.

The addition of Mr. Stoecklin is the first Chemac Inc “activated” sales representative in this region. The first region Chemac became active in was the Far East with the representative in Singapore. These two newer representatives will expand the global presence of Chemac Inc. The Dominican location will also allow Chemac Inc to be prepared, and well positioned, in the event the United States ends the embargo with Cuba. “There is a greater need for services in this region that Chemac Inc can provide”, said Mr. Stoecklin. He looks forward to his cooperation with Chemac Inc to assist customers in the future. He looks forward to his first project…visiting fertilizer plants in the region.

Mr. Stoecklin can be reached at for his detailed contact information, please see the “contact page”