08/15- VGC
League City, Texas – The seminar for high pressure pumps, valves, and accessories is filling up. There are only 13 spaces still open. Find out more about our seminar and why a UAN plant will benefit by attending by reading the invitation here.
What makes this seminar special? It offers attendees the opportunity to meet management level representatives from key suppliers of valves, pumps, and gaskets. This isn’t only about presenting papers and classroom type learning; each evening attendees have the opportunity to discuss issues and concerns for their equipment in an open or private forum. The goal is to present a platform for cooperation and support focused on problem solving and to highlight advancements in equipment and material, ensuring attendees go back to their plants with the tools they need to maximize production with the equipment, ideas, and tools presented at the seminar. We look forward to seeing you in League City for the seminar.