September 2013
Alvin Texas – As of January 1, 2014, all Chemac Inc employees will be required to carry a TWIC card when visiting customers. The TWIC Card (“Transportation Worker Identity Credential” Card) is a special biometric identity card introduced by the U.S. Government to ensure that transportation workers have secure backgrounds so they could access sensitive “waterside” facilities. The Card requires a comprehensive back ground check and biometric certification. The TSA developed the program, and on the DHS government site explains that it was “in response to the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 (MTSA). MTSA requires use of a biometric identification credential by individuals who require unescorted access to secure areas of maritime facilities and vessels. Before issuing a TWIC, TSA must conduct a security threat assessment on the TWIC™ applicant. An applicant who, as a result of the assessment, is determined to not pose a security threat, will be issued a TWIC.”
Why is the TWIC Card being required by Chemac Inc? The simple answer, a key customer requested all vendors must only allow employees with TWIC cards to enter their sites. After looking into the TWIC program, Chemac Inc decided this is an excellent means of ensuring Chemac Inc employees are verified by the DHS/TSA for all customers… not only those requesting this security verification.
Although TWIC cards are valid for several years, the TWIC card will be revoked if an Employee violates the strict security standards of the TWIC. Employees who fail the application process, or violate the agreement, will be reported to Chemac Inc and or any authority for further action. For more information on the TWIC Program please visit the web site of the TSA or the Department of Homeland Security.
We understand that allowing access to your sensitive facilities can be a risk. At Chemac Inc, we work with our customers to ensure any risks are minimized. If you have any suggestions on how we may improve our services, we welcome you to let us know at