San Antonio, Texas
Make plans to attend early! Space is limited!
Following up on several successful seminars, Chemac, Inc. is again offering a seminar focusing on pumps, valves, sealing tech for ammonia and carbamate service. The seminar is hosted by Chemac, Inc and includes presentation from Uraca, Kempchen, Bungartz and others.
Here a brief summary why you should attend:
- Lower maintenance costs and improve reliability and safety.
- Review upgrades to increase capacity or safety/reliability.
- Learn about modifications and why you may need them for older units.
- Learn about pulsation issues and how to address them.
- Starting up and shutting down procedures for big pumps.
- Network with OEMs and others in similar industry.
- Improve maintenance shut down planning for pumps etc.
- How much more can your equipment handle? Getting the most from older pumps and equipment.
- Save your company money by learning latest “tips” from experienced service teams
- Forum and private discussions to address your plant issues.
- All speakers have at least 20+ years in the industry. Knowledge you can rarely find all in one place.
Book today by contacting SPACE IS LIMITED! We limit space to maximize the benefits of all attendees.
Companies registered at this time include:
- Koch Fertilizer, OK
- Sitech, Netherlands
- Nutrien, West Indies
- Pryor Chemical, OK
- …and more!
Q & A about the seminar
Q: I don’t have any of the noted OEM’s equipment in my UAN /Urea plant, should I attend?
A: Yes. Even if you have others firms pumps/valves/equipment, there are many benefits for attending the seminar. The majority of the information is focused on improving safety, reliability, and maintenance. For example, BHDT valves and Uhde valves are common valves we will address at the seminar. Our focus is the very challenging environment in the fertilizer field, but many topics can apply to other equipment from other OEMs.
Q: My firm uses Uraca pumps, but we are not in the fertilizer business… can I attend?
A: We encourage any users of Uraca, Bungartz, Uhde, BHDT, Kempchen, and other equipment to attend… even if the equipment is not used for ammonia or carbamate service. Most topics will be beneficial to the myriad of other industries using the same or similar equipment. If in doubt, please check with Kim for a copy of the full program. (Call 713-357-5140).
Q: I don’t live in North America. Is this open to any countries?
A: Yes. We welcome any attendees from anywhere in the world as long as they can travel to the USA for the seminar.
Q: What does my seminar fee cover?
A: The seminar fee covers professional speakers, included meals, included tours, seminar spaces, AV equipment, and more. The cost for travel, hotels and personal cost are your own. See the seminar fliers for more details. More questions about group discounts, or the event etc, please contact Kim Stuart
Q: Will this seminar try and sell me the sponsor products/services?
A: No. The seminar is for information and training only. While you will see OEM names used as references in presentations, the OEMs are invited to the seminar to educate attendees and not sell them products or services. If attendees want to discuss buying equipment or services from OEMs, Chemac, Inc. can arrange private meetings with the OEM’s after seminar hours.
Q: Can you send me the Seminar Itinerary?
A: Kindly contact Kim Stuart. Kim can send you the latest program for the seminar. The below links will be updated regularly: